Nurse practitioner by day, amateur chef by night…

Also, a wife and mother to three. (Photo above to show you all my beautiful family).

Thank you for stopping by Wren Cooks. My name is Wren Hollingsworth and I am the lady behind the camera and these delicious #wrecipes. My husband Kyle and I have three darling littles, Harper (13), Knox (3) and Cruz (1). I am based out of South Dakota (brrrrr).

Wren Cooks is a celebration of what living in the Midwest is like. Comfort foods for those long, cold winter days. Cool, crunchy salads for the hot, humid ones in the dog days of summer. A cocktail, decadent desserts? Well.. duh. I am also notorious for my use of heavy cream and cheese. It’s all about moderation, folks!

I recently started blogging in the last year. I started with an Instagram account to boast and share my most recent cooking and baking adventures. That quickly transformed into creating and developing my own amazing Wrecipes. Not a day (or hour) goes by when I am not thinking or dreaming of my next kitchen conquest.