Crispy Mashed Potatoes

Crispy Mashed Potatoes! AKA mashed potatoes in an egg roll. One word: addicting! You will inhale an entire plate before you even realize what is happening. Don’t know it until you try it! Our new favorite way to make potatoes. It’s also excellent as an appetizer!

I originally created these as an appetizer for Super Bowl. I was carefully watching my diet at the time I first made these. I tried a small corner (because duh, I can’t tell you to make my food if I’m not trying it and LOVING it). I then sat down in front of the TV with a plate and ate 4-5 of them. WHAT!? Sooo good.

My brother-in-law, Gary was the inspiration behind these. He demanded I recreate these precious pockets of gold after eating something similar at a restaurant. Viola! These Canadians have some great ideas!


July 19, 2021